Pineapple, passion fruit and pomegranate

 Pineapple, passion fruit and pomegranate

How to make 6 people pineapple, passion fruit and pomegranate salads? Pineapple, passion fruit and pomegranate recipes and ingredient shared on our page.

Pineapple, passion fruit and pomegranate ingredients

8 passion fruit
4 tbsp golden caster sugar
4 tbsp malibu
1 pineapple, peeled, cored and halved, lengthways
1 long red chili, deseeded
handfull small fresh mint leaves
1 pomegranate, halved

Pineapple, passion fruit and pomegranate recipe

Halve the passion fruit and scoop the pulup out into a sieve resting over a saucepan. Use the back of a spoon to rub the pulp through the sieve to extract as much of the juice as possible. Discard the seeds.

Add the sugar and Malibu to the passion fruit juice and simmer over a medium heat for 3-5 minutes, until syrupy. Set aside to cool, cover and chill overnight.

sit a pineapple half cut side down on a chopping broad. Finely slice into semi circles, then repeat with the other half. Arrange the pineapple slices in a circle on each serving plate.

Slice the chili into very fine long slivers, then scatter over the pineapple along with some mint. Sit the pomegranate halves cut side down on a chopping board and hit them several times with a rolling pin to release the seeds. Scatter the seeds over the pineapple and drizle with the malibu syrup just before serving.

Thsi tropical winter dessert offers a lighter finish to dinner with pineapple, passion fruit, hot chili and pomegranate seeds. Enjoy your meal!

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