Bulgur pilaf with black cabbage

 Bulgur pilaf with black cabbage

How to make bulgur pilaf with black cabbage? Ingredients list and recipe for making bulgur pilaf with black cabbage are here! To make delicious black cabbage bulgur pilafs, let’s first gather the ingredients and start cooking the pilaf according to the recipe.


(6-8 Persons)
2 cups coarse bulgur, washed and drained
1 bunch of coarsely chopped kale
200 grams of margarine
2 finely chopped onions
1 teaspoon black pepper, salt
4 cups broth or water
Half a vine of fresh mint, chopped
3 red bell peppers, cut into rings


First, fry the oil and onion in a saucepan over the fire. Add the kale and mix for another 2 minutes. Pour water over it and boil it.

Add bulgur, salt, black pepper and red charliston pepper to the boiling material. Bake for 15 minutes and rest.

After mixing the rested rice, you can serve it by sprinkling fresh mint inside or on it. Black cabbage and mint bulgur pilaf is ready. Enjoy your meal.

Check the attached pages for different pilaf recipes or meals.

Source: https://ajiba.net/blog/coputlu-bulgur-pilavi-tarifi/

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