Vegetable soup recipe

 Vegetable soup recipe

How to make soup with vegetables at home? Check out the recipe & ingredients to make a delicious vegetable soups.

There are many different ways to make soup, and the recipe you use will depend on the type of soup you want to make and your personal preferences. In general, most vegetable soup recipes and ingredients for 6 people are as follows.

For detailed information about vegetables and their health benefits, please also review the food category in the appendix.

Let’s examine the ingredients and recipes for making this delicious vegetable soup, which is also called gardener soup because there are so many types of vegetables in it.


2 finely chopped onions
2 potatoes diced into cubes
2 carrots diced into cubes
1 leek cut into cubes
1 zucchini cut into cubes
1 small celery diced
100 grams of margarine
1 tablespoon of flour
1 teaspoon tomato paste
2 tomatoes, peeled and diced squarely
Half a bunch of finely chopped parsley
12.5 cups broth or water with salt


Prior to; Wash the diced vegetables well and put them in a strainer. After heating the oil in the pan, fry the onion until it turns pink. Add the vegetables and fry for 5 minutes. Add the flour and mix a little, then add the tomato and tomato paste.

Then add your water and salt if there is no broth. After removing the foam that forms on it after boiling, cook it for 45 minutes on low heat. You can serve your soup by sprinkling parsley on it. Vegetable gardener soup is ready. Enjoy your meal !

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You can also review the attached category for different soup recipes


Watch the video for making vegetable soup with a different recipe.

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