Spaghetti carbonara

 Spaghetti carbonara

How to make spaghetti carbonara pasta ? Ingredients list and recipe for making spaghetti carbonara are here! To make delicious spaghetti carbonara pastas, let’s first gather the ingredients and start cooking the pasta according to the recipe.


Half a pack of spaghetti
2 egg yolks
Half a pack of cream (100ml)
4 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
10 slices of beef bacon (or smoked)
1 handful of finely chopped parsley
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon salt


To boil the pasta, let’s start boiling by putting water in a pot and adding salt to it. Let’s add the pasta into it and boil it until it comes to the tooth.

Let’s heat 2 egg yolks in a large deep bowl in a bain-marie, whisk quickly and pasteurize for about 1 to 1.5 minutes until a homogeneous appearance is obtained. When we do this process, the egg yolks do not remain raw. (If it gets too hot while trying to pasteurize the eggs, it may turn into an omelet, let’s be careful with that too)

After lowering the pit container from the bain-marie, add the other materials into it.
Let’s make sure all the ingredients are well mixed together.

Let’s drain the water of the boiled pasta, take half a scoop of the filtered water and slowly add it to the egg mixture. Keep stirring while adding the water.

Let’s combine the drained pasta with the sauce in the bowl, while ensuring that the sauce is smeared all over the pasta, be careful not to break the pasta.

Now the spaghetti carbonara pasta is ready to be served. Enjoy your meal!

Check the attached pages for different pasta recipes or sauce recipes.


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