Sauce without fat

 Sauce without fat

How to make sauce without fat? Sauce without fat recipe and ingredient shared on our page.

This is a low calorie version. Naturally, since the butter is omintted, the flavour will be bland compared to the normal white sauce but this can be compensated for by adding interesting flavourings. To make approximately four serving use:

Sauce without fat ingredients

400 ml milk
2 tbs flour

Sauce without fat recipe

Mix the milk and the flour in a saucepan.

Bring the sauce to the boil, whisking all the time. Cook the sauce for 3-5 minutes, then add salt and pepper to taste.

Here are few suggestions for flavourings:

55 g blue cheese or

2-3 tbs grated horseradish or

1 tbs tomato purée or

1-2 tbs smoked cod’s roe paste.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy your meal!

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