Strawberry and langoustine salad

 Strawberry and langoustine salad

How to make 4 people strawberry and langoustine salads? Strawberry and langoustine salad recipes and ingredient shared on our page.

Strawberry and langoustine salad ingredients

3 generous slices fresh pineapple
2 little Gem lettuces, leaves separated
50 gram pine nuts
12 cooked langoustines
450 gram strawberries, washed, hulled and quartered

For the strawberry and langoustine salad dressing

2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp clear honey
1/2 tsp salt

Strawberry and langoustine salad recipe

Toss the pine nuts in a large dry pan over a medium heat for 4-5 minutes, until golden brown. Set aside to cool completely.

Meanwhile, make the dressing by whisking all the ingredients together. Set aside.

Slice the pineapple into segments of a similar size to the strawberries.

Peel the langoustines, reserving a couple of whole ones to garnish.

Toss the lettuce leaves and fruit with the dressing and arrange in a bowl. Put the peeled langoustines on top and arrange the langoustines still in the shell on the side. Sprinkle with the pine nuts to serve.

Langoustines are increasingly known as Dublin Bay prawns. You could use prawns instead of langoustines. Your enjoy meal!

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