

Bilberry health benefits, key natural values, therapeutic properties. How to make bilberry cooking & eating? Bilberry recipes shared on page.

The dark purple fruits of the Vaccinium family, which are commonly known as bilberry, blueberry, blaeberry and huckleberry, deserve to be eaten more often. Today, it is easier to do so because farmed berries are more widely avaible. Bilberries and blueberries have a unique refreshing flavour.

  • Improves capillary circulation
  • Can help some night vision and eyesight problems
  • May aid the body’s defences
  • Combats urinary tract infections
  • Traditional diarrboea remedy.
  • Per 100 g baked sweet potato
  • Kilocalories 30
  • Kjoules 128
  • B vitamins Good range
  • Fibre (g) 1.8
  • Vitamin C (mg) 17


Bilberry flavanoids strengthen the blood capillaries and improve circulation This property may help prevent and treat problems such as chilblains, broken veins, varicose veins and poor circulation in diabetic.

bilberry extract has been shown to help a range of eye problems. Studies have shown that bilberry extract taken in combination with 20mg of beta-caroten a day may improve adaptation to light and night vision.

May help the body resist illness. Bilberry anthocyanin flavonids have antioxidant, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory actions. Blueberry anthocyanins have not yet been tested.

Counters urinary tract infections. Blueberry contain the same compound that in cranberries prevents the main bacteria that cause urinary tract infections from gaining a hold on the bladder wall.

Traditionally used to treat diarrhoea. Eating bilberries or blueberries fresh or dried (stewed or as a tea) is an old remedy for diarrhoea.


Any amount of bilberries, whether eaten raw or cooked, will help to strengthen the capillaries or small blood vessels. To prevent or treat ailments, naturopaths suggest a daily serving of the relevant fruit or 2 small glasses of juice or a few glasses of the made from 15g dried or 60g fresh berries to 250ml boiling water.

Mashed, uncooked bilberries make a delicious relish or spread, which can also be eaten on its own, or used in sweet and savoury dishes. Freeze until ready to use.


Fresh bilberries and blueberries are at their best in late summer and store well if they are chilled. They can easily be made into juice in a food processor. Frozen, bottled, canned and dried berries are a useful standby for other times of the year. Fresh berries taste better when they are eaten at room temperature.


Plain bilberries and blueberries are delicious on their own or mixed with other fruit in a salad. They are traditionally added to pancakes and muffins. Bilberries and blueberries are soft fruit and should only be cooked for a few minutes to retain their fresh flavour. The cooked fruit appears to retain its therapeutic benefits.

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