You can check our page for the ideal oven temperatures for food, oven temperatures and oven temperature ratings.
Rated for oven temperature and oven temperature;
150 ° C Oven heat is considered warm temperature.
170 ° C – 190 ° C Oven heat is considered medium temperature
220 ° C Oven heat is considered hot.
230 ° C – 240 ° C Oven heat is considered to be hot and hot.
Ideal oven temperatures for oven temperatures;
The ideal oven temperatures for pastries are considered to be 180 – 200 ° C.
Ideal oven temperatures for fermented pastries are accepted as 160 – 180 ° C.
The ideal oven temperature for fish is 200 – 220 ° C.
The ideal oven temperatures for lamb meats are considered to be 200-260 ° C.
The ideal oven temperatures for beef are 200 – 280 ° C.
The ideal oven temperature for chicken meats is 175 – 200 ° C.
The ideal oven temperatures for casseroles are 175 -230 ° C.
Ideal oven temperatures for cakes are accepted as 160 – 200 ° C.
Ideal oven temperatures for small paper cakes are accepted as 150 – 170 ° C.
Ideal oven temperatures for sponge cakes or rolls are accepted as 170 – 180 ° C.
Ideal oven temperatures for cookies are accepted as 160 – 180 ° C.
Although the recommended temperature for baking cakes or puffs is 180 ° C, to be realistic, the baking times of each oven differ from those caused by the oven heat loss and the like. To catch the consistency of the food you cooked, you can also review the article on cooking times, which is another factor you need to be aware of as well as the oven temperatures.